Personal Training, Semi-Private, or Group Fitness: Choosing the Right Training Option for Busy Adults

We opened Fit One Five after a combined 35 years of Private Training. We understand that fitness isn’t a one size fits all approach. The most important program you can ever be on is the one you enjoy doing and the one you show up for.

The two main variables that we look at are accountability and education.

If you love showing up to the gym but haven’t seen results, then having a good coach educating you can help you see progress literally years faster. If you know what you need to do but are having trouble self motivating; then accountability is exactly what you need. Everyone falls on the scale somewhere.

Our clients choose Personal Training, Partner or Small Group based on their schedule, budget and training requirements.

What’s best for you? Here’s how to choose:

Private Training

You’re 1:1 with a coach. You have full control over:

Your schedule
How often you attend
Your training plan (your coach will build it specifically for you)
Your exercises and modifications
The coach’s full, undivided attention
Your privacy in the gym.
Choose 1:1 if you don’t like working out with others; if you have special training considerations or goals; or your schedule frequently changes.

Semiprivate Training

You’re working on a program built for a specific goal that 1-2 others have as well. Almost all of the benefits of 1:1 training at a slightly lower rate than 1:1.

Flexibility and Control:

Your training plan (your coach will build it specifically for you)
Your exercises and modifications.

How often you attend.
The coach’s full attention (it rotates from person to person, but it’s there when you need it.)

Small Group Training

Small Group is built for general strength and conditioning. You will get in great shape with other people, but will receive less training help and more coaching cues.

Group training is 1:4 clients and up to 1:15. A coach will help you stay motivated and correct any movement problems. Group training is a fun and less expensive way to be coached.

Your coach will control:

Your training plan (you’ll train for general fitness, using the same programming as others in the group)
Your exercises and modifications
Your privacy in the group.
You will have some flexibility over:

Which groups you attend
How often you attend
The coach’s attention (though you’re in a group, you’ll still receive a little 1:1 attention to keep you moving safely and efficiently.) And you can always ask for help at any point.

Which is best for you: private, semi-private or group?

Choose 1:1 if you’re new to working out; don’t like exercising in groups; or prioritize your schedule over everything else.

Choose semiprivate if you have specific needs (like training for a competition or coming back after an injury); prefer some flexibility in your schedule; or like being around your buddies, but not a big group.

Choose group if you just want a great workout without specific goals; have a set schedule to your day; or prioritize your budget over everything else.

Everyone deserves to be fit. The fastest path to fitness is with a coach to teach, motivate and keep you accountable. One Life is Glen Coves’ most experienced fitness coaching facility, and we’d love to help you change your life!

Click here to book a free no sweat intro consultation so we can learn more about your health and fitness goals today!


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